
Jaber S.

Prof. Dr Samir JABER (54 y) is Head of the Critical Care and Anesthesia Department of Saint-Eloi University Hospital in Montpellier-France since 2007. He is full "exceptional class" (highest degree) professor in Anesthesiology and Critical Care. He made his initial medical school in Cochin-University Hospital in Paris and his secondary specialty in Montpellier-University Hospital. He made his MD, PhD in Creteil-University Hospital (Pr Brochard). Pr. Jaber completed a Master’s degree in Respiratory Physiology (1998) and undertook a Post-doctoral Fellowship on the Non-Invasive Ventilation in Anesthesia and Intensive Care medicine at the University of Creteil in 1999. Pr Jaber is a member of the Experimental and Clinical Research Unit: PhyMedExp, INSERM, CNRS; Montpellier France (Team Pr Stefan Matecki). Pr. Jaber was the Scientific Vice-Dean and the President of the scientific council of the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier (2014-2018). Pr. Jaber was Past-President of the scientific council of the French Society of Anesthesia and Critical Care (SFAR) and he was member of the scientific council of the French Intensive Care Society (SRLF). He is senior Deputy Editor of the Intensive Care Medicine Journal which is the first specific Journal of Intensive Care Medicine area. Since 2017; he is the Chairman of the Organizing and Management Committee for Anesthesia and Critical Care (COGAR) of the University hospital of Montpellier. Pr Jaber is a member of the board of several journals and reviewer of the top first quartile journals in the respiratory, anesthesiology and critical care fields. He has a strong involvement in both clinical and experimental research and is running a clinical research laboratory dedicated to mechanical ventilation studies. He developed clinical research in the field of the perioperative medicine, from operating room to intensive care medicine. Pr. Jaber has published more than 450 peer-reviewed articles in the highest ranked journals of medicine, respiratory, anesthesiology and critical care medicine. Pr. Jaber's research which is published in high-impact journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, LANCET, Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine and the American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine focuses on perioperative medicine, sedation, obesity, acute respiratory failure, airways management, diaphragm function, non-invasive ventilation and invasive mechanical ventilation. He is senior author and co-author of several trials published in the highest journal such as NEJM, LANCET and JAMA. He is a frequent invited speaker at national and international meetings, having given over 400 such talks.