
Mertes P.M.

- Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - Head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department, University Hospital of Strasbourg - Head of the French College for Accreditation of Anesthesiologist and Intensivist - Head of the French network of Allergo-Anesthesia Centers (GERAP) - Member of the INSERM U1116 research unit –Head of the sub-group Anaphylaxis- - Member of the expert group on Hemovigilance from ANSM Areas of Interest : Allergy and Anaphylaxis : clinical and experimental Blood transfusion : Safety, allergic reactions, patient blood management Cardiovascular Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Echography Intercellular communications and physiological regulation mechanisms in the field of intensive cardiac and neurocritical care, brain death and organ transplantation Key words : allergy, anaphylaxis, epidemiology, microdialysis, catecholamines, brain death, brain trauma, transfusion, patient blood management